TinyPortal 1.6.4

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Pojawiła się nowa wersja modyfikacji TinyPortal oznaczona numerem 1.6.4

Zmiany SMF 2.0 i 2.1:

– added functionality for social buttons to use 'query title’ for article links
– updated menu manager to use 'query titles’ for articles and 'short names’ for categories
– added language visibility functionality to frontpage blocks
– added extra layout option to articles: 'Use frame style, but not title style’. This allows for removal of title bar for articles without titles
– updated source code and templates for better html5 compliance
– fixed error '8: Undefined variable: count’ due to function art_recentitems
– fixed language visibility for blocks not working correctly
– fixed do_hooks.php function not running to manually add/remove hooks
– fixed error with constant SMF_FULL_VERSION when using SSI.php
– fixed Icon for 'General’ category TPdownloads not correctly set on install
– fixed incorrect responsive behaviour Quickreply area
– fixed error 'undefined index: locked’ for article authors on Category page
– fixed shoutbox creating double shouts on some forums


Przed instalacją koniecznie wykonujemy backup katalogów TP (tp-images, tp-downloads), konieczne jest także odinstalowanie starej wersji TP.