Styczeń 18, 2025, 11:20:53 AM

Project Silvermonn DataBase

Zaczęty przez alexpl, Wrzesień 22, 2007, 10:44:08 AM

« poprzedni - następny »

0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.


Jest to dość świeży projekt pod MaNGOS-a. Ze względu na dość małą liczbę koderów, jest aktualizowany (niestety) rzadko [średnio co tydzień - dwa]

Oficjalna strona projektu:
(WYMAGANA rejestracja)

Ostatnia wersja( z 14 września ) wspiera wersję 4443 wraz ze ScriptDev2

+duża liczba eventów(27)
+bardzo dużo itemków
+przetestowałem instanty i krainy startowe - bardzo dobrze
+bardzo dobre wsparcie
+jeśli nie działa ci SDB - spróbuj Silvermoona

-problemy z niektórymi questami
-brak serwera SVN
-rzadkie aktualizacje

-- Lets Give Credit to everyone here who helped or gave any sql code good or bad it was the effort that counted...
-- New Spawns, Items, Objects Added.

-- NEW EVENT SYSTEM CREATED Read about it here. NEW Event SYSTEMS Created by Neo2003.

-- Events added
-- 1 - Dire Maul Arena Skarr The Unbreakable - added by mephilith
-- 27 In Total..
-- All Events added will have " by : xxxxx" Added to it in Sql codeing for reference on adding or later inprovements.
-- Correct Faction problems
-- Updated Spell_Proc
-- Updated playercreateinfo_spell
-- Updated Creature_addons
-- Updated Creature tables
-- Updated Creature movements
-- Added more Npc Gossip 100 ++ and still adding from official (CDWriter)
-- Many Quest Fixed and Added ...Thanks too (Jizzy , Others that Supplied Fixes)
-- GMIsland Still has Vendors ...All Vendors should be set to Faction 14 and Civilian..
(These will be the only NONE Official WoW Things added to PSDB)
-- If i missed anyone who would like there name here for helping please PM me ill add it.
Note: Everything Marked Added to Rev 16 was Added Including Quest.

NOTE: All Vendors and Teachers work 100% But u can not be in .GM ON mode for them to work.
NOTE: PS Data Base is Compatible with 2.1.x. For Connection with Client that is Based with CORE Issue.
NOTE: GMIsland MUST be .gm on to use Vendors
Note: Quest load up errors will not hurt any game play ....2007-09-14 03:34:44 Quest 6083 has `ReqCreatureOrGOId1` = 3107 but `SpecialFlags` not have set killOrCast flag bit, quest can be done without creature/go kill/cast!
2007-09-14 03:34:44 Quest 10087 has `ReqCreatureOrGOId1` = -33067 but gameobject 33067 doesn't exist, quest can't be done.
2007-09-14 03:34:44 Quest 10087 has `ReqCreatureOrGOId2` = -33068 but gameobject 33068 doesn't exist, quest can't be done.
2007-09-14 03:34:44 Quest 9386 has `ReqCreatureOrGOId1` = -181346 but gameobject 181346 doesn't exist, quest can't be done.
2007-09-14 03:34:44 Quest 9319 has `ReqCreatureOrGOId1` = -181346 but gameobject 181346 doesn't exist, quest can't be done.
2007-09-14 03:34:44 Quest 905 has `ReqSourceRef1` = 3 but `ReqItemId3` = 0 and `ReqSpellCast3` = 0, quest can't be done.
2007-09-14 03:34:44 Table creature_questrelation: Quest 349 listed for entry 1449 not exist.


Co mi się nie podoba w tej bazie to to że ma albo błędnie poustawiane NPC i moby albo ich brak tam gdzie powinny być :/
nie udzielam pomocy poza forum i na PW