TinyPortal 1.6.3 wydane!

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Nowa wersja TinyPortal 1.6.3 już jest.
Changelog zmian w wersji 1.6.3:

Relevant to 2.0 and 2.1:
– removed Google+ social button function
– fixed the theme switcher not staying on current page when switching themes
– fixed 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()’ error in menumanager after clean install
– updated text strings for frontpage settings to state 'forum-topics’ and not 'posts’
– fixed menu options for articles showing even when not authorized
– fixed border styles to be more suitable for dark themes
– fixed SCEditor not showing language specific tooltips
– fixed TPadmin link for non-admins ending in an empty admin screen
– various fixes and updates to download manager screens
– standardized TPdownloads icon sizes
– fixed Tinyportal menu option not showing to users when TPdownloads is active
– fixed – empty item – string being incorrectly cleared in downloads without file

Relevant to 2.1 only:
– added option to assign menu icons in the menu manager
– fixed the user block not showing the login fields to guests
– fixed list styles in HTML articles not showing bullits
– fixed bottom margin for blocks and frontpage articles
– fixed layout issue with catbg + windowbg styling Curve2

Modyfikację możecie pobrać z oficjalnej strony TinyPortal:
oficjalnej strony z modyfikacjami SMF:

Przed instalacją koniecznie wykonujemy backup katalogów TP (tp-images, tp-downloads), jak zawszę trzeba także odinstalować starą wersję TP.