Pojawiła się kolejna wersja TinyPortal oznaczona numerem 1.6.2
Nieprzetłumaczony changelog zmian w wersji 1.6.2:
Relevant to SMF 2.0 only:
– Wysiwyg editor working again in 2.0.15 for members creating html articles
– check for minimum PHP version added to install.phpRelevant to SMF 2.0 and 2.1:
– sanitised text strings 'upper panel’ and 'center panel’ to always state upper panel
– 'Forum’ text in linktree converted to text string
– discontinued Google+ social button per April 2019
– frontpage settings 'what to show’ updated descriptions for promoted posts
– topics only showing 'Promote to frontpage’ button when frontpage setting is relevant
– fixed frontpage setting 'Use first post attachment preview as illustration’
– frontpage icon layout updated to show the first attached image for posts without cropping
– fixed issue Lower blocks showing on articles even when turned off via article
– fixed small layout issue with mini calendar blockcode
– copyright updated to 2019Relevant to SMF 2.1 only:
– fixed the 'Read more’ links for frontpage articles or posts not showing correctly
– fixed the themes block, where the thumbnail wasn’t showing
– panel collapse icons repositioned
– fixed the category and frontpage layouts to be more compatible with 2.1
– fix for 'Undefined index:’ url messages for calendar
– fix for linktree showing a forum link even when turned off via article
– fix for 'Undefined index:’ errors in shoutbox due to changed text strings for RC1
– fix for TP menu icons not showing in RC1
– adapted smiley logic to follow RC1 adaptations.
Modyfikację możecie pobrać z oficjalnej strony TinyPortal:
oficjalnej strony z modyfikacjami SMF:
Przed instalacją koniecznie wykonujemy backup katalogów TP (tp-images, tp-downloads), jak zawszę trzeba także odinstalować starą wersję TP.